Is Social Media Essential For Coaches?

Is Social Media Essential For Coaches?

I regularly hear people saying to coaches that there’s ‘no need to be on social media’, and that ‘marketing can be done in 15 minutes a day’. Let me say right here, I think that these statements are disingenuous. They are disingenuous...
But I Shouldn’t Have To Market!

But I Shouldn’t Have To Market!

When my girls were younger and taking exams, they would rage about the unfairness of it all. The oldest would flounce, shout, and tell me that exams are ridiculous and that she shouldn’t have to sit them. I told her that there was no point whinging. We live in a...
Does It Matter What Kind Of Coach You Are?

Does It Matter What Kind Of Coach You Are?

I’m a mindset coach, leadership coach, life coach, transformational coach, mental fitness coach, performance coach, development coach, change coach, health and wellness coach, ACC coach, PCC coach, MCC coach, cognitive behavioural coach…….. Does it...
15 Painful Truths About Marketing

15 Painful Truths About Marketing

When it comes to marketing your business, there are 15 painful truths that none of us can escape. No one cares what you do. They care what you can do for them You can complain about the game, or you can learn the rules. If you’re afraid to publish things online,...
Who Is Your Competition?

Who Is Your Competition?

Who is your competition as a coach? Specifically – what kind of competition does coaching have? Let me tell you – probably nowhere near as much as you think there is. Because no one understands what we do, they don’t know if they need us. Therefore people...