Why Environment Matters To Client Acquisition

Why Environment Matters To Client Acquisition

Coaches who seem to stick to good habits with ease are often benefitting from an environment that makes those behaviours easier. Coaches who struggle to succeed could be fighting an uphill battle against their environment. What often looks like a lack of willpower is...
Values and Emotions Are Not A Coaching Business Niche

Values and Emotions Are Not A Coaching Business Niche

I’ve been having a conversation about where different coaches focus their marketing efforts. I have discovered a misunderstanding about what makes a good niche. I have an engaged Facebook group. It’s called Build A Coaching Business (I use the Ronseal...
Why NOW Is The Best Time To Learn How To Market Your Coaching Business

Why NOW Is The Best Time To Learn How To Market Your Coaching Business

Coaching And Marketing Are Similar There are so many similarities between coaching and marketing. Coaching is client-centred and so is marketing. Coaching is a process and so is marketing. Coaching is about taking consistent action and so is marketing. Coaching is...