How To Build a Coaching Business

How To Build a Coaching Business

If you’re a coach who markets their coaching business by posting inspirational quotes, or ‘humble brags’ about success, may I invite you to rethink your strategy? (And for the record, inspirational quotes and humble bragging isn’t marketing, it’s posting...
You Don’t Need To Demonstrate The Value Of Coaching

You Don’t Need To Demonstrate The Value Of Coaching

I have a public Facebook Group called Build A Coaching Business with The Coaching Revolution. In it I asked this question: There were some interesting answers and one stuck in my mind. The answer that got me thinking was this: No-one appreciates the value of coaching...
Who Is Your Competition?

Who Is Your Competition?

Who is your competition as a coach? Specifically – what kind of competition does coaching have? Let me tell you – probably nowhere near as much as you think there is. Because no one understands what we do, they don’t know if they need us. Therefore people...
“What ONE Action Can I Take?”

“What ONE Action Can I Take?”

“What is the ONE action I can take that will have the biggest impact?” I had a conversation with a coach recently. She told me where she is in her business. Where that is, is she’s got a reasonable income from associate work, but it’s starting...