The Jury’s Back On The Value Of My Challenge

The Jury’s Back On The Value Of My Challenge

I ran my Nail Your Niche Challenge last week – it was the biggest challenge I’ve ever run in terms of participants and from my perspective it was great! I sent out a comprehensive feedback form to see what the participants thought, and this article is drawing...
Is Your Integrity Better Than Mine?

Is Your Integrity Better Than Mine?

“My integrity goes beyond marketing I’m afraid” A coach just said this to me in a DM, and I’m blown away. We were conversing because he had asked me about a judgement he perceived in something I said in a comment on a coach’s post. There was no judgment. It was simply...
How To Build a Coaching Business

How To Build a Coaching Business

If you’re a coach who markets their coaching business by posting inspirational quotes, or ‘humble brags’ about success, may I invite you to rethink your strategy? (And for the record, inspirational quotes and humble bragging isn’t marketing, it’s posting...
Don’t Rely On Referrals!

Don’t Rely On Referrals!

“Don’t Rely On Referrals!” – Did This Title Make You Angry? Ok, I know that some of you have landed here, incandescent with rage because you absolutely do rely on referrals and you think others can too. If I’m talking to you, I know that...
Client Acquisition Training AND CCEUs!

Client Acquisition Training AND CCEUs!

I’m beside myself with delight! We can now award 4 x CCEUs to active participants in our Nail Your Niche Challenge (this is our free challenge that teaches client acquisition and marketing skills for professional coaches). ICF Recognition Why am I so pleased...