But I’m Not Passionate About That Niche!

But I’m Not Passionate About That Niche!

One of the things that most coaches find most frustrating in the beginning is the idea that they might choose the wrong niche and commit themselves to a lifetime of boredom. Worse still is the worry that they’ll choose the wrong niche and condemn themselves to...
Confirmation Bias Is Killing Your Coaching Business

Confirmation Bias Is Killing Your Coaching Business

What if, as a profession, our beliefs around marketing are wrong? This blog is all about confirmation bias and marketing for coaches. Historically, the perceived wisdom around building a coaching business has been that to grow a business, you need to have meaningful...
From Coach To Well-Paid Professional (Part 2)

From Coach To Well-Paid Professional (Part 2)

There’s so much misunderstanding about what marketing is. I’m writing a series of articles in which I show you what good marketing looks like. I’ll be highlighting a coaching professional who is marketing well.  This is the second in a series of articles...