The Coaching Revolution provides so much more than our 1:1 mentoring. Due to the peculiar times in which we find ourselves living, I want to make sure that all coaches understand the various ways in which we can help them to build their businesses with marketing support.

Teaching Coaches

At The Coaching Revolution, we teach coaches how to market themselves effectively. We teach them how to create a pipeline of inbound enquiries from people who already understand what they do, and who want to engage with them in a further conversation. We also teach them how to have that conversation.

Our mentoring process, which teaches the above costs £3540, which we understand can be prohibitive. So we provide lots (and lots!) of education for low-cost and no-cost to help with marketing support.


Coaching Republic is our free community for coaches who want to create financially sustainable coaching businesses. We offer monthly masterclasses and access to our mentors in this group. Members can ask questions and our experienced mentors and mentees will answer them. This community is full of no-cost marketing support.

Masterclasses have included:

  • How to identify your ideal client
  • What to say to them once you have identified them so that they understand why they need coaching; and why they need it specifically from you
  • The biggest mistakes that coaches make with their websites – and the vast majority make the same mistakes. For free top tips about what to include on your website, click here.
  • Writing to sell. Most of us write on social media every day. This masterclass looked at how to tweak how we write to sell our coaching.

A Coaching Business In A Book

I had a book published this year. It’s currently available on Kindle Unlimited as a free download. If you don’t have Kindle Unlimited, I believe that you can have a 30-day free trial. If you prefer not to subscribe to Kindle Unlimited, the book costs £9.99.

What coaches have said about this book:

  • It’s a bible for new coaches setting out in business
  • This is a must-read for any new and aspiring coaches looking to translate their skills into a business.
  • This is the go-to book for creating a successful coaching business. Clear, concise and packed full of stuff that works!
  • A must-buy book for any coach wanting to run a profit-making coaching business.

You can find it here if you’re UK-based. If you’re based anywhere else, search for A Coaching Business In A Book the book is listed in most markets.


The low-cost marketing support offering that we have is our 2-hour webinar recording; A Coaching Business In A Webinar.

In this webinar, Paul Snell and I go through our entire business development process. because it was recorded live there are coaches on the webinar and they ask lots of questions, all of which are answered.

For just £49, you’ll get the recording (including a list of important timestamps, so you can hop around if you want to) and two workbooks for you to complete to a) define your ideal client and b) write your marketing message.

Click here to buy the webinar.


Finally, our other low-cost offering is our membership community INCROWD.

Until now, INCROWD was only available to our mentees, as it’s our premium offering in respect of value to an online community. This is where we share everything.

With dozens of hours of training videos, as well as a community of like-minded professionals who are – crucially – all on the very same journey to profitable businesses, INCROWD is one of the most valuable resources that The Coaching Revolution has to offer.

Members say:

  • The value we get from this community is priceless!
  • The community is actually the most important part of The Coaching Revolution.
  • Sharing ideas, thoughts and having the opportunity to practice things in a safe environment – and get feedback from massively experienced coaches and mentors – is incredibly valuable
  • The community is amazing! The people in it are just like me, on the same journey as me, and with the same questions as me.
  • I can ask for help with something and almost immediately, there’s an answer, or a video or even a series of videos to explain the thing I was struggling with.
  • The Zoom cafe at 5pm each day has been a real source of support for me in this coronavirus time. Just knowing that I have this as a fixed point in my otherwise oddly flexible day is reassuring.
  • The daily Zoom Cafe is brilliant not just because it’s there every day, but also because if I have a work-related question, there’s always a mentor or two to get a quick answer from.
  • The training videos are fabulous! I’m never going to have a chance to say I’m bored as there are so many things that I can learn.

Due to the peculiar situation in which we all find ourselves, we’ve decided to open our members-only community to all coaches for £59pm. You can unsubscribe from the membership at any time (although we’re quite sure that once you realise what you’ve got your hands on, you’ll stay).

If you’d like to join our community and get some of these benefits for yourself, you can do so by clicking here.

As you can see, there are plenty of low-cost and no-cost marketing support to help you to grow your coaching business.