We have opinions…

No Clients? No Business!

No Clients? No Business!

What do you spend your working day doing? I mean, what do you actually do from when you ‘clock in’ at the start of your working day, until you close the office door (or at least push your work to one end of the kitchen table)? I was reading an article by the...

Accountability And The Dalai Lama

Accountability And The Dalai Lama

I have had an odd week. I’ve had one of those weeks where stuff has collided in my head to make bigger and bigger connections and finally, the light switch flipped. Oddly, it has to do with the Dalai Lama. Last week, one of my clients told me that the Dalai Lama had...

Heart-Centred Soapbox Rant!

Heart-Centred Soapbox Rant!

We All Hate Pushy Salespeople No one likes a Delboy-style con of a sales person. No one likes the hard sell of the 1980s and 1990 timeshare salesforces and their ilk. We equally don’t want someone to insinuate themselves into our lives via our phone and try to sell us...

Being Credible As A Coach

Being Credible As A Coach

But I Am Not Credible... I hear this all the time. People can get all bent out of shape about not feeling credible as a coach, without taking into account the skills that they have that took them into coaching in the first place. The majority of coaches come to...

Give Your Knowledge Away

Give Your Knowledge Away

Free Coaching You may have read some of my content around and about in which I say don't give your coaching away for free as a marketing strategy. Pro bono clients do not lead to referrals that want to pay you a professional rate - they lead to referrals who want pro...

8 Client Acquisition Myths Busted

8 Client Acquisition Myths Busted

I keep hearing nonsense, myths actually, about how coaches should find their clients and it really makes me mad. The reason I get mad is because these myths are perpetuated by coaches, they get repeated to one another as 'truth' when they're really not. A lie can...

Focused Marketing Is Important

Focused Marketing Is Important

As consumers, we've all become extraordinarily good at not being focused on things that don't interest us. It's not that we actively ignore them, it's that we don't even notice them in the first place. It's a really good thing that we are able to ignore things that...

I Am Stella

I Am Stella

I talk to lots of coaches every week. Dozens of them. What's become very interesting and more than a little entertaining is the number of them who have said to me 'I am Stella!' Who Is Stella? Stella Hewittson is 42 years old and she is a coach. She has a background...

The Support Of Others Really Matters

The Support Of Others Really Matters

'The support of others' for the purpose of this blog is the support of like-minded others. Even more specifically, I'm talking about the support of other coaches. Unique Situation Within the coaching profession, there is little general understanding of what the work...

Monday Morning Motivator

Each week, we send out a little missive. It’s not arduous to read, in fact it’s light-hearted and it’s perfect to keep you up to date with what’s going on a The Coaching Revolution HQ.