We have opinions…
Nail Your Niche

Our next challenge is on 24-27 March 2025
NOW Is The Best Time
I'm going to tell you why now is the very best time in history to start a coaching business. You don't believe me? Let me explain... Life coaching was started by an American chap called Thomas Leonard. He was a financial planner, and it became apparent to him that his...
I Must Be A Lousy Coach….
...if I must market myself... That was said. Out loud. By a coach. In my hearing! I was stunned. How on earth has the coaching industry got so f**ked up that coaches can believe this nonsense? This is the flip side of the adage that if your coaching is good enough,...
Change Your Priorities, Change Your Life
A mentee of ours and I were chatting this week. She told that some of the cohort from the - very prestigious - coach training school she attends asked her how does she find the time to be 'constantly posting on LinkedIn?' (It's no secret that it's her priorities, but...
Will A Webinar Get Me My Next Client?
If you find yourself participating in yet another webinar about growing your coaching business, ask yourself this. Will what I'm learning take me any closer to getting my first - or next - paying client. What Do You Mean Sarah? I'm talking about the webinars and...
‘Rewards’ Coaching Revolution Clients Get
I've just read a book, Hooked by Nir Eyal. In it he talks about creating products that provide rewards for the user. Not just one reward in the beginning, but ongoing rewards, as usage of a particular product continues. The example I remember in particular is...
What Selling Is (And What It Isn’t)
I get so frustrated by people talking about business saying things like ‘don’t worry, there’s no selling involved’. It even tops my feelings about the words heart centred or authentic. I belong to a Facebook group full of women entrepreneurs. It's not just a group of...
3 Things Your Clients Care About
The art of good marketing is understanding what your client is thinking and what they care about. Even better is to join the conversation that they are already having in their head. There is nothing creepy or sneaky about this. Understanding your client is the...
No Clients? No Business!
What do you spend your working day doing? I mean, what do you actually do from when you ‘clock in’ at the start of your working day, until you close the office door (or at least push your work to one end of the kitchen table)? I was reading an article by the...
Accountability And The Dalai Lama
I have had an odd week. I’ve had one of those weeks where stuff has collided in my head to make bigger and bigger connections and finally, the light switch flipped. Oddly, it has to do with the Dalai Lama. Last week, one of my clients told me that the Dalai Lama had...
Monday Morning Motivator
Each week, we send out a little missive. It’s not arduous to read, in fact it’s light-hearted and it’s perfect to keep you up to date with what’s going on a The Coaching Revolution HQ.