We have opinions…

I’​m Embarrassed and Ashamed ?

I’​m Embarrassed and Ashamed ?

I had a very sad conversation with an embarrassed coach recently, Let's call her Alison. Alison is someone with a successful corporate career spanning decades and she left it to start a coaching business. Journey To Coaching As is often the case, Alison found coaching...

“I’m Crap At Marketing!”​

“I’m Crap At Marketing!”​

Someone recently told me that they were crap at marketing. I was fascinated by this belief, so I asked 'how do you know?' 'Because nothing I do works' she said. 'What have you been doing?' I asked. 'I had a website built, I've been sharing my story to build rapport,...

Using Stories To Sell Coaching

Using Stories To Sell Coaching

Stories are as old as time. They are universal and we all love them. After all, there's nothing better than a good story, is there? You are probably already aware that story telling can be used to sell things - and it is particularly true when it comes to coaching....

Hashtag #thisshitworks

Hashtag #thisshitworks

We have a hashtag at The Coaching Revolution - it's 'this shit works'. I wish I'd come up with it, but it wasn't me. It was created by one of our mentees, who had spent 18 months trying to figure out how to find coaching clients and failing before finding us. There's...

Coaching Practice, or Practise Of Coaching?

Coaching Practice, or Practise Of Coaching?

Someone shared a video with me this week. It was from their training school and it was one of two sessions that they had been given on the theme of 'business development'. They were just starting out in growing their coaching practice. To go back a bit, we'd been...

Coaching Business, or Busy-ness?

Coaching Business, or Busy-ness?

There's an interesting conundrum around creating a viable business, and that's the difference between busy, productive and effective. Do you have a business, or a busy-ness? Premise For This Article Let's start with a premise. That premise is this: without clients,...

Marketing For Corporate Coaches

Marketing For Corporate Coaches

I presented a complimentary webinar to a group of coaches who were part of a community of coaches who are interested in having their own coaching businesses. I was - of course - talking about how to market your coaching business. As always, there were a couple of...

Don’t Disappear, Stay Visible

Don’t Disappear, Stay Visible

Summer is over. For me, it was a lovely one because having enjoyed a warm and sunny June, July and August (a bit too warm on one occasion to be honest, when the mercury hit 41 degrees!) I was away for the whole of September. But I remained visible online! I can't...

Good Marketing Works EVERY Time

Good Marketing Works EVERY Time

I was talking to a coach last week about them using a marketing tool that has a monthly subscription. This isn’t a Coaching Revolution coach I hasten to add. The tool I was recommending costs $19pm and it offers massive time-saving potential for this particular coach....

Monday Morning Motivator

Each week, we send out a little missive. It’s not arduous to read, in fact it’s light-hearted and it’s perfect to keep you up to date with what’s going on a The Coaching Revolution HQ.