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Sarah, I’ve Been Stalking You…


Before you read this article, I’d like to put out a disclaimer. I am not minimising the impact of being stalked by a predator. I have been in that situation in my 20s, I was stalked by a person(s) unknown to me and it was a truly frightening experience.

I’m Being Stalked

After a recent conversation with a fabulous woman. A new coach, still in training. She had wanted to talk to me about the detail of how our mentoring process works. During our conversation she said ‘I’ve been stalking you for several months now’.

In our private members’ group, INCROWD, one of our mentees recently said ‘I stalked Sarah for two years. I read her book – twice – and watched every video she ever made. I got so sick of listening to her that I decided to join The Coaching Revolution!’.

The thread beneath that comment was full of other mentees agreeing that they too had stalked me for some time before joining The Coaching Revolution.

Where Was I Found?

The coach I had been speaking with told me that she found me on LinkedIn and that it seemed like I hit the nail on the head for her. She acknowledged that there are a lot of people who operate in the industry in which The Coaching Revolution exists, but that somehow, what I say struck a chord. That she found herself agreeing with what I say.

‘I found you on LinkedIn, then I realised that you have a Facebook group too, and it turns out you’re also on Instagram. You’re everywhere!’

Now that A Coaching Business In A Book is available on Kindle, some people find me there too. This is of course where some of our mentees find me.

Why Am I Telling You This?

The people who are stalking me are those who have the same attributes as my ideal client avatar or ICA. They are coaches who are passionate about coaching and want to earn a living from this skill that they have honed and that they love. The fact that I’m being stalked by my ICA is not an accident! In fact, it’s exactly what I want to happen.

I want people who match my ICA to find me, to listen to what I say (and to actually hear me!) and to think this; she’s talking about me!

The reason that I want them to think this is because I want them to be open to a conversation with me, to find out what The Coaching Revolution can offer them. I want them to think ‘I’ll have a chat with this woman’. I want them to talk to me to find out whether we’re a good fit for one another. That’s how The Coaching Revolution grows. We take on new mentees, who in turn build businesses and some are invited back to become mentors.

We Practise What We Teach

I am responsible for the marketing for The Coaching Revolution. I use the same method to market to my clients that we teach our coaches. The only difference between me and you is that I’ve been doing this for three years now.

The benefit to coaches of this is that they can learn from my mistakes. My mistakes and the mistakes of the dozens of other coaches who have gone through our process. Our community is vibrant and thriving. It’s a place to share and learn. It’s also where you can walk in the footsteps of others who have gone before you.

Want to talk? This is my diary.

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