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Nail Your Niche

Our next challenge is on 24-27 March 2025
Time. The Only Irreplaceable Resource
As owners of professional services businesses, we have three important resources. Time, energy and money. Of the three, time is the most precious because it's irreplaceable. There was a point in my life where I did everything myself, on the basis that what I did have...
No One Is Searching For A Coach
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but no one is searching for a coach. It doesn't actually matter what kind of coach you are, people aren't looking for you. If this doesn't feel right to you, may I suggest that you go to Google's keyword tool and spend a while...
Offensive Marketing & International Coaches
It's a really odd thing. There is a (massively misplaced) sense of superiority amongst the international coaching community. It around the process of finding coaching clients and how offensive marketing can be! Those who hold higher-level qualifications, particularly...
Core Competencies For Marketing
Our mentoring programme is ICF accredited. To be specific, taking it can lead to a Diploma in Marketing For Coaches. You can find details of our accreditation here. Why This Matters We operate in a shark-infested industry. There are so very many who work in this space...
Making A Lasting Impact As A Coach
To be a coach and make an impact, one must have clients, to have a coaching business those clients must be ones who pay. Coaches Care I have never met a coach who doesn't want to make a difference. Every coach does. We know the transformational nature of coaching and...
Establishing Credibility As A Coach
It's something we all have mind monkeys around, isn't it? How do we go from our previous (often stellar) career to establishing credibility as a coach? What if you don't have a previous career? How do you become credible then? 1) Will A Qualification Help With...
The Most Valuable Thing I Did In Lockdown
When the first lockdown started last year, none of us really knew what to expect, did we? However, what no one could have known then was just how long it would go on for. We've been ahead of the curve in this pandemic since almost everything we've ever done at The...
Entrepreneur -v- Employee Mindset
Whether or not we leave work to set up in business for ourselves, or start our coaching business as a side-hustle, being an entrepreneur is a completely different animal to being employed. 17 Hats For a start, as an individual working for yourself (entrepreneur), you...
Lessons Learned From A Prolific Plant
When I was living in Cumbria I tackled a job one weekend that I’d been putting off for ages. I didn't realise I could learn some valuable lessons from it! There were a number of mature hedges in the garden. Really tall and made of beech, hawthorn and another thing...
Monday Morning Motivator
Each week, we send out a little missive. It’s not arduous to read, in fact it’s light-hearted and it’s perfect to keep you up to date with what’s going on a The Coaching Revolution HQ.