Done For You


A whole year’s worth of marketing assets created by experts

£15,000 (£12,000 +VAT)

Helping Busy Coaches Find Coaching Clients

4 x 1:1 Sessions

In these sessions, our expert mentor will:

1. Craft your Ideal Client Avatar – the kind of client you’d love to work with more often
2. Write a marketing message, designed to attract this kind of client
3. Use them to have our expert team create your marketing assets.

Asset Creation

Marketing assets include:

1. 365 social media posts
2.  26 500-word articles
3.  Web copy to reflect your new focus.

4. Support with creating and distributing lead magnet(s)

Done WITH You

Things you’ll need to do

1. Engage
2.  Connect
3. Research on an ongoing basis

How Does This Work?

Our Done For You programme is a natural extension of the nearly six years we’ve spent supporting coaches to success. We’re the experts in helping coaches find coaching clients. We know how to create an ideal client and how to craft a marketing message that speaks directly to that kind of client. The Coaching Revolution makes coaches visible, not to the whole world, just to exactly the kind of clients they want to work with.

We’ve been asked repeatedly if it was possible for us to create a Done For You programme and now we have.

Done For You is really a ‘done with you’ process, because your opinion is sought at every step of the way.

–  Your ‘ideal client’ comes from you – we don’t impose (but we do ensure it’s commercially viable).

– We help you find coaching clients that make your heart sing.

– Your marketing message is written for you, and you have plenty of opportunities to have input.

– We create your assets and can even post your social media posts and articles for you if you’d like us to.

Additionally – 

– Your new web copy is written to reflect the new focus of your business

– We can write video scripts or podcast scripts if required.

What’s On Offer?

Our Done For You programme is the answer for busy, experienced yet time-poor coaches who want to market for private client work.

Done For You clients are highly-valued coaches, working with clients provided by an associate company. They are busy and successful but would prefer it if more of their work was private work (and therefore more lucrative).

Done For You is designed exclusively for those who are serious about making a (great) living out of coaching, yet lack the knowledge, experience and time to start marketing as a coach in their own right.

They are coaches whose time has come.

Why The Done For You Programme?

Our bespoke mentoring programme for coaches has been honed and polished over the years and is utterly effective for all types of qualified coaches. We have repeatedly been asked if we offer a done-for-you service and to date haven’t ventured into this space as we haven’t had the capacity to do so.

Now we’re ready.

We have a team of experienced mentors and specially trained copywriters and designers who can create a whole year’s worth of marketing assets (delivered on a monthly basis) so all you need to do is engage with people and handle inbound enquiries from people who know what you do, what it costs and want to talk to you about starting to work with you.

What Will I Receive?

You’ll benefit from 4 x 60-minute 1:1 sessions with an experienced mentor.

Using your knowledge and experience, your mentor will craft an ideal client profile and a bespoke marketing message for you.

This marketing message will be delivered in the following ways:

  • Keynote Presentation. A presentation written for you, with accompanying slides so that you have the perfect keynote to present when the opportunities arise. We’ll also help you to create those opportunities.
  • 365 social media posts. A post a day, for a whole year. The posts will be written to encompass ‘know, like and trust’, elements that are essential for success in marketing. Each post will be accompanied by a branded image (that you’ve approved, naturally).
  • 26 Articles. We will provide 26 x 500-word articles that position you as an expert in your chosen niche. These will be published for you on LinkedIn every 2 weeks for a year.
  • Web Copy. When you have a new focus for your coaching business, you will need to refresh your website. We’ll provide the copy for your web designer to use to update it.
  • Scripts. Video and podcasts are both extremely effective marketing tools. We will provide scripts and/or outlines for either – or both – for you to use. 
  • Posting. We post your social media posts and articles for you so that all you have to do it show up and engage on a regular basis.


In Addition We’ll Also Create:

  • Lead Magnet.  A lead magnet is something of value that you share with a potential client in return for their email address.
  • Fortnightly Newsletter. The email addresses that you collect will expect to hear from you fairly regularly. We’ll set up your email marketing system and create a fortnightly newsletter that’s distributed to those who wish to receive it.
  • Marketing Funnel. All the above fit together to create a comfortable, effective marketing funnel that takes your potential client from not even knowing you exist, to being keen to book a conversation with you, because they understand that you can help them

We also help you to create and price your signature coaching programme, and create assets for distributing that too.

Up And Running With Your Marketing In 12 Weeks

Once you join us on our Done For Your programme, you can expect to have your marketing active in 12 weeks. The first part of the programme – creating the Ideal Client, the marketing message and the first month of assets are labour intensive. We’ll need your input in 4 x 60-minute Zoom sessions (one every 2 weeks) and by email in between.

We’ll create a shared Google folder in which we will store everything, from the working documents to the finished marketing assets.