
Group Mentoring for Corporate Coaches

£4200 (or 10 x £420)

Speak To Us

Have a chat with us. Let’s see if you’re a good fit for this programme. Good fit means:

1. You have a corporate background and want corporate coaching clients.
2. You want a simple, pragmatic marketing process.
3. You’re ready to do the work.

Join the programme

If we’re a good fit, we’ll offer you an invitation to join us for the next programme.

1. You’ll be one of only 4 coaches on the programme.

2. You’ll be joining a unique organisation that provides support, training and accountability over and above the mentoring programme.

3. You’ll earn an ICF accredited Diploma in Marketing For Coaches – the only one available.

Grow your business

During the 10 sessions, you’ll learn how to:

1. Stand out in a crowd to corporate coaching clients.

2. Package and price your offering.

3. Market comfortably, confidently and competently.

Group Mentoring To Find Corporate Coaching Clients

If you’re a fully qualified coach, or a coach in training, and your background lies in the corporate space, your future corporate coaching clients are waiting for you there. And we’re going to help you find them. 

Our Advance Corporate Group Mentoring Programme will help you demonstrate your knowledge and worth to your ideal corporate coaching client. We only offer it for corporate coaches in small groups, to keep quality high, and price our group programmes based on the individual coach being able to recoup the cost of the whole shebang by securing one, single, solitary client. What’s not to love?

  • Find out what kind of coach you are, and focus on your strengths.
  • Hone in on the type of organisation that’s looking for a coach with your skillset. 
  • Connect with this client, and get them signed up. 

What’s On Offer?

We offer our Advance Corporate Group Mentoring to committed coaches who are either fully qualified, or in training, with a maximum group size of 4 people, making sessions intimate, and intensive. 

What do I need to invest?

£4200, paid upfront, or through our ten part payment plan 


Corporate Group Mentoring

Marketing your coaching services in the corporate space is a different animal than marketing to clients who pay their own fees. Not only are there more stakeholders, you’ll be competing with preferred supplier lists, and there are pesky things like procurement cycles to take into account.

At the Coaching Revolution, we know the corporate space like the back of our briefcases, and have helped many coaches find corporate coaching clients, secure lucrative corporate contracts, delivering individual and group coaching in a variety of industries.

Marketing your services exclusively to corporate clients is a different animal, but one that we’ve tamed. So if corporate coaching clients are where your niche is, but you’re struggling to locate, and onboard enough of the right type of client, we can help you shorten the journey to establishing a steady stream of them. 

Let Us Expedite Your Journey

Sure, you could figure this stuff out on your own, but our method is proven to help you secure quality corporate coaching clients in the shortest time possible – no ‘get rich quick’ schemes, no gimmicks, just a tried and tested marketing framework that will yield the results you’re looking for.  

First, we’ll help you make yourself visible to the right clients. Then, we’ll teach you how to get their attention. Finally, we’ll show you how to engage them in conversation, and sell your services with confidence, and ease. All with ongoing support and a community of like-minded professionals in your corner. 

What Do I Receive?

10 mentoring sessions, spread across 22 weeks. 

10 Foundations For Business Success classes – each one covers an essential skill.

6 x group coaching sessions to keep you on track.

Additional marketing training each week through our Monday Night Live sessions.

A Marketing Toolkit

If you want to secure a steady stream of corporate coaching clients, we’ll teach you an incredibly simple, pragmatic marketing process that generates inbound enquiries from the right kind of clients.

And instead of stalking them on social media, or tugging on their sleeves by email, we’ll show you how to make them approach you.

How Does It Work?

Our process covers all bases, so that you can secure enough corporate coaching clients to take your coaching business to the next level, with full books, and total career satisfaction.

First Of All

  • Explore the type of coach you are, with a detailed look at your career background, your life experiences, and your business aims and objectives

  • Understand the kind of corporate client that’s best served by a coach with your unique skill set – where are they hiding, and what do they need to hear to understand why they should work with you (they’re ready to be sold on the benefits, so let’s give them what they need).    


  • Devise a personal marketing plan that helps you both respond to tenders with well-written, thoughtful, impactful proposals, and build meaningful long-term relationships with corporates that lead to direct referral. 

  • Identify all the stakeholders that you need to provide comfort to, from the coachee to the budget holder, and anyone else involved in the decision making process.

  • Put together a clear and engaging marketing presentation that will be presented to the rest of the group for feedback, giving you insights into strengthening your proposition, and how you sell it to your corporate prospects.

  • Address the great, big, grey elephant in the room, with an open and honest discussion about pricing, and how we can set the bar at the right level to attract and retain our dream clients.


All this, and more, with an in depth look at how best to develop your coaching website to appeal to corporate coaching clients, additional training including Monday Night Live; a business development focused virtual meetup with our entire community each week, and expert ongoing support that measures your success throughout the 22 week process, constantly tweaking and improving on what you’re doing, to give you the best chances of long-term success.

Introducing Liz O'Neill

Liz is our corporate group programme mentor. As with all our mentors, she joined us as a mentee, learned our process, and used it to build a practice full of corporate coaching clients with big-nams, who regularly renew their contracts with her, helping her sustain the amazing success that began with signing up as a Coaching Revolution client.

Liz has adapted our process to the corporate space on our behalf, and was instrumental in helping us launch our Corporate Coaching Programme. Like all of our team members, she’s invested in your success, and can’t wait to help you adopt our tried and tested approach. 

To find our more about Liz and our other mentors, go to our About Us page by clicking here.

Get Off The Treadmill And Enjoy Corporate Success

If you’ve been scratching your head wondering why corporate coaching clients aren’t flocking, this is the programme for you. 

As with everything in life, however, you get out what you put in. 

We’ll teach you everything you need to know to secure well paying corporate coaching clients for your business, but we can’t implement our framework for you. We need you to be revved up and ready to put in the hard work that real, lasting success requires. We believe you can do it. 

When coaches take the actions we set out each week for our simple marketing process, the results are astonishing. 

Learn the skills that you need, attract the clients you want, and work consistently to implement them. That’s all it takes, and we’ve got your back, with the support of the whole Coaching Revolution community behind you. 

If you’re ready to take the right action to attract your ideal corporate coaching client, you can believe in the Coaching Revolution. 

Let’s get started…

Talk To Us About Joining Our Next Group

By now, we hope you’re feeling less alone in your struggle to find well paying corporate coaching clients. It’s a common problem for qualified, experienced, and highly skilled coaches, which is why we developed our Corporate Mentoring Programme to help you sell your unique skills to the right people, for the best chance of success.

The frustration ends today.

Being able to market your coaching or consulting business is simply a skill, and like all other skills (playing the piano, driving a car) you can learn it. 

Being able to market your coaching or consulting business is simply a skill. And like all other skills (playing the piano, driving a car) you can learn it. 

With our group mentoring sessions, running the successful coaching business you’ve been dreaming of becomes a reality.  

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