We have opinions…
Don’t Rely On Referrals!
"Don't Rely On Referrals!" - Did This Title Make You Angry? Ok, I know that some of you have landed here, incandescent with rage because you absolutely do rely on referrals and you think others can too. If I'm talking to you, I know that the reason you're cross is...
Client Acquisition Training AND CCEUs!
I'm beside myself with delight! We can now award 4 x CCEUs to active participants in our Nail Your Niche Challenge (this is our free challenge that teaches client acquisition and marketing skills for professional coaches). ICF Recognition Why am I so pleased with this...
Can Marketing Be Ethical For Coaches?
I saw a fantastic question about ethical marketing and had to expand on it… How is it possible to describe the benefits of coaching without having an agenda of your own? There's an ICF group that I belong to and someone asked this question (I'm paraphrasing here) I...
Why Not You? Why Not Now?
There's never a good time, is there? 🤔 There's always the busy-busy to be getting on with, so now is just not the right time. 🤔 It's back to school in September, then before you know it - Christmas preparations, parties, Nativity plays at school, carol concerts, then...
How Do I Get Coaching Clients?
I belong to a Facebook group that's full of coaches of all kinds. Many (most?) of them are not our kind of coaches, but some are. The members of this group write many different kinds of posts, some of which ask questions about coaching techniques and others about...
Is Social Media Essential For Coaches?
I regularly hear people saying to coaches that there's 'no need to be on social media', and that 'marketing can be done in 15 minutes a day'. Let me say right here, I think that these statements are disingenuous. They are disingenuous because they are said to attract...
The Introvert Coach
The stories we tell ourselves can keep us stuck. One of the stories that seems to be very well-told is the tale of the introverted coach who can't market, because they don't like to make a show of themselves. Let me back up a bit. I'm an extrovert. I'm the most...
But I Shouldn’t Have To Market!
When my girls were younger and taking exams, they would rage about the unfairness of it all. The oldest would flounce, shout, and tell me that exams are ridiculous and that she shouldn't have to sit them. I told her that there was no point whinging. We live in a world...
But I’m Not Passionate About That Niche!
One of the things that most coaches find most frustrating in the beginning is the idea that they might choose the wrong niche and commit themselves to a lifetime of boredom. Worse still is the worry that they'll choose the wrong niche and condemn themselves to...
Monday Morning Motivator
Each week, we send out a little missive. It’s not arduous to read, in fact it’s light-hearted and it’s perfect to keep you up to date with what’s going on a The Coaching Revolution HQ.