We have opinions…
Nail Your Niche

Our next challenge is on 24-27 March 2025
Marketing A Part-Time Coaching Business
Part-Time Coaching Not everyone wants to throw caution to the wind, to give up the day job (remove the safety net is how I've heard it described) and go all-in - make or break - to build a coaching business. And that's ok. It doesn't have to be all or nothing. A...
Core Competencies for Marketing
We have core competencies for coaching, tenets that underpin our ethics and our coaching skills. The leadership team at The Coaching Revolution is made up of 14 mentors who are alumni. They joined The Coaching Revolution to learn how to market their coaching business...
The Ethics Of Marketing For Coaches
As professional coaches, we have a code of ethics. Whether we're ICF, EMCC or AC trained (or any of the myriad of other professional qualifications) the ethics part of our coaching really matters. It matters to us and to our clients. Ethics of Marketing Here's the...
What Do You Need To Start A Coaching Business?
You've had the idea of starting a coaching business on your mind for a while. It goes around and around in your head, but you're not really sure where to start. I thought I'd help you by telling you three things you need to have in place and a few things that aren't...
The Brutal Truth About Your Coaching Business
"The truth does not change according to our ability to stomach it" Mary Flannery O'Connor I read this quote and it stopped me in my tracks. It stopped me so completely that I had to stop what I was doing to write this article. It stopped me because it is a) true and...
Making An Impact by Marketing Effectively
Marketing A Coaching Business If you want a financially viable coaching business, you need to be able to market effectively. Effectively doesn't mean 8 hours a day, or even 4 hours a day, it means spending the time and effort to create a proper marketing message and...
Niching – A Magic Wand for Coaches?
Niching... No matter how often I write about or talk about niching - coaches struggle with the concept. To most coaches, the idea of niching is about excluding people and coaching is very inclusive, so it makes sense therefore not to niche, doesn't it? However, done...
Your Coaching Clients Will Find You
There is a strongly held belief amongst coaches that if your coaching is good enough, your clients will find you. This belief comes from coaches being told this by some of the people who have trained them. Smart, highly experienced coaches (MCC in some cases I know...
Marketing Is Client-Focused Too!
Coaching Is Client Focused Coaches are all about the client. We're all about not inserting our knowledge and experience into the coaching conversation. We understand that each client is unique and that holding space for one is a different experience from holding space...
Monday Morning Motivator
Each week, we send out a little missive. It’s not arduous to read, in fact it’s light-hearted and it’s perfect to keep you up to date with what’s going on a The Coaching Revolution HQ.