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Community MATTERS!


We humans are gregarious creatures, we like to belong. Whether we’re introvert or extrovert, are always happiest belonging to a group (the difference between introverts and extroverts is how we engage with said group). We like to belong to a group because community matters!

As coaches, there are a billion and one different groups that you can belong to that are about the skills of coaching. Some are better than others, and I’m sure you’ve experienced many of them.

Business Development

Also as coaches, there are very few communities that are focused on business development. In particular business development especially for coaches.

INCROWD is one of these very few. It’s the members-only community ie, the community for our paying clients.

When people join The Coaching Revolution as mentees, the thing that is most important to them is their 1:1 mentoring sessions. Of course it is – this is what they have bought after all. However, it doesn’t take very long before they start to realise the incredible value of INCROWD.

Testimonials About INCROWD

What Can I Expect?

INCROWD exists in the following ways:

In addition to this business-focused content, we are also a sociable bunch. That sociability has been moved up several notches since the coronavirus situation.

This is how our social diary looks:

An Invitation For You

Until now, INCROWD has been available only to those who have committed to our mentoring programme. However, we’re living in unusual times and unusual times call for unusual measures.

We’re opening INCROWD to all coaches who would like to join. For just £59pm you can have access to everything we offer to our community. You can join us by clicking here.

You can join our weekly masterclasses, you can take advantage of all of our training, you can even request topics for us to cover if there’s something you’re struggling with!

To give you an idea of what April looked like here’s our calendar:


May is even more exciting. We’re going to look at podcasting, at creating a YouTube channel, at how to create editable PDFs and we’ll share 10 templates for social media posts.

Click here to join us. There’s no ongoing commitment, but we hope you stay with us for a long time.

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